Who We Are
Join Our Journey
The Jewish Teen Education and Engagement Funder Collaborative is an innovative philanthropic experiment, uniting national and local funders and practitioners to create, nurture, sustain and scale contemporary approaches to Jewish teen education and growth. Informed by up-to-the-minute research and data, and drawing on the collective strength of local organizations, these multi-faceted initiatives in ten communities are reimagining the teen ecosystem. We invested in shared frameworks and tools which may be adapted by any experiential or immersive program, and share our learnings openly with the goal of helping to advance the entire field of Jewish teen engagement.

What We Do
Sharing Our Expertise

We create opportunities for professionals, and parents and caregivers of teens, to deepen their knowledge and enhance skillsets.

We facilitate ways to help you connect with others and grow your professional network.

We help communities and organizations transform culture and the local teen engagement landscape.

Scaling Innovation
Coaching and courses for program creators on the art and science of extending their impact across the Jewish youth-serving world.

Measurement Tools
Validated surveys anyone can use to measure their own impact on the teen ecosystem.
Featured Programs

What We Are Learning
Research & Evaluation
To understand and reflect on progress and outcomes we invested in a Cross-Community Evaluation which aggregated and analyzed key learnings, offering a national snapshot. We believe the insights can have wide-ranging implications for anyone working in the teen education or engagement space.
We also documented the evolution and impact of the Funder collaborative itself through a series of intimate case studies. Insights on the evolution of the collaborative endeavor can help inform future collective action projects.
What You Can Do
Make It Yours
Find inventive and effective programs here which can be adapted to any community or organization to inspire the change you hope to see.
See a program you might want to adapt? Sometimes downloading the step-by-step tool kit is all you need to make it yours. Have a program you think others might want to replicate? Click here to find out if it’s scale ready.