A Neuroscientist’s Insights on the Adolescent Brain

2022-12-08T20:21:10+00:00December 8th, 2022|

August 9, 2022 What one developmental researcher has learned from studies on young people’s risk-taking behavior, reasoning and more By Tim Vernimmen Adolescence is often portrayed as a period of struggle and friction, filled to the brim with exhilarating ups and depressing downs. Young people’s behavior tends to be stereotyped as self-absorbed and impulsive. But how [...]

Don’t Believe The Sensationalist Reactions, Young Girls Absolutely Want Leadership Roles

2022-12-08T20:18:12+00:00December 8th, 2022|

March 10, 2022 A new study is being trotted out as proof that young girls don’t have career aspirations to lead, but further examination of the research shows they simply want better role models than today’s political leaders. Research commissioned by the Girls’ Day School Trust (GDST) has caused controversy online today after reports surfaced that [...]

Teen Mental Health Certification: Helping Teens Help Each Other

2022-12-08T20:14:30+00:00December 8th, 2022|

February 28, 2022 The Mental Health First Aid Certification was developed by the National Council for Behavioral Health (which is now known as the National Council for Mental Wellbeing). Feiger participated in the training to certify professionals who work with youth in mental health first aid, ensuring they can better recognize and respond to any person [...]

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