What is the mission of the Funder Collaborative?

2017-06-13T05:54:42+00:00June 13th, 2017|

We are an unprecedented endeavor in which local and national funders collaborate in the work of education, relationship-building and co-investment in multi-faceted local Jewish teen education and engagement initiatives. We believe the work of the Funder Collaborative, and the teen initiatives underway in each of the communities, can actively build the field of Jewish teen engagement. [...]

Who are the professionals that make up the Funder Collaborative?

2017-06-13T05:56:21+00:00June 13th, 2017|

Sara Allen is the Director of the Jewish Teen Education and Engagement Funder Collaborative.  She is the first full-time Director is works in consultation with an Operating Committee and Evaluation Advisory Group drawn from participating communities.  Sara has nearly two decades of experience in both the private sector and Jewish organizational worlds, with expertise in strategic [...]

Which organizations participate in the Funder Collaborative?

2023-03-28T01:17:46+00:00May 21st, 2017|

The Funder Collaborative has evolved into a healthy mix of local and national funders and implementers who continue to come together to discuss, dissect and address shared areas of interest. Jim Joseph Foundation serves an anchor funder and original convener; national funders have co-funded early research on the development of learning outcomes for teens and the [...]

How were the participating communities selected?

2017-05-21T19:08:14+00:00May 21st, 2017|

The Jim Joseph Foundation sought out local funding partners who share a desire to invest in new experiments to reach substantially more Jewish teens. Communities were selected for their willingness to engage in community-wide programming, experience developing strong partnerships – locally and nationally – with Jewish teen education organizations, capacity to fundraise for the matching grant, [...]

How can I get involved or learn more?

2023-03-28T01:18:48+00:00May 21st, 2017|

Local or national organizations, or lay leaders, seeking more information or interested in exploring programmatic partnership with a local community may contact Funder Collaborative Director Sara Allen at sara@teenfundercollaborative.com.

Who are the evaluators working with the Funder Collaborative?

2017-06-13T05:20:06+00:00November 27th, 2012|

Rosov Consulting is responsible for the Cross-Community Evaluation, aggregating and analyzing data from the participating communities. Additionally, they serve as local evaluators for several of the communities. Informing Change is also retained as local evaluators for several local communities.

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